Nexus The latest Developer Preview of Android N was released two weeks ago, but it became available for download only to the Nexus 5X, 6P, 6, 9, 9 LTE and Pixel C, but the Nexus Player didn’t make it to the list. Eventually, Android Developer Advocate Ian Lake has announced that the factory image is now available for Google’s Android TV device and that the build is identified with the version number NPC91O.
As you know, this fall, Google will release Android N, whose name hasn’t been chosen yet. Some say it will be Nutella, others believe it will be Nougat, but Google will conduct an online poll and in the end it will pick up the dessert name for its upcoming operating system. Meanwhile, developers have access to the new features that will make it into the final version of Android N OS and only a few Nexus devices have enrolled in the Android Beta Program.
The first Developer Preview of Android N arrived on March 9 and the second preview was released on April 13, but the factory image was made available only a few days ago for the Nexus Player. Developers can download it for fastboot or they can choose to sideload the OTA using adb. It will be interesting to try out Android N on a digital media player without a touchscreen, and if developers no longer want to be part of the Android Beta Program, they will head to the Android Beta Site, log into their Gmail account and scroll down to the list of eligible device and click on Unenroll Device, then accept the factory reset.
The Developer Preview introduced new features such as Multi-window, improved Doze mode, bundled notifications and the option to reply to incoming stuff from the notification. The second DP brought bug fixes, especially for multi-window and other issues reported through the public issue tracker. There are new emoji that look more human, launcher shortcuts and Vulkan (a new 3D rendering API).