In May, Motorola will launch the Moto G (fourth generation) – or the Moto G4 – in India. They have already released some teasers for the next smartphone. They posted some pictures on Twitter with the hashtag #Missing, together with some situations that seem not to happen if the user had a Moto G4. They show other smartphones turning off suddenly because of the low battery, taking bad quality photos because of the slow autofocus or hanging during video games.
However, there are no actual information releases about this G4 in particular, though we will get more teasers for sure. The team should also release another version, the G4 Plus, which features an additional fingerprint sensor, besides other goodies we will find in G4 too.
Last week, the Motorola team in India sent out some invitations for an event they will be hosting in New Delhi on the 17th of May. Though they did not say anything about what will happen exactly at that event, but everybody is expecting them to launch the smartphone there first. One of the main reasons that could make people believe that is the fact that they also launched the third generation of the smartphone in India first, before everywhere else on Earth.
Of course, there is something we should take into account when talking about this release: Lenovo plans to change the Moto brand and replace it with “Moto by Lenovo”, and this means that most likely, the fourth generation of the smartphone will be released under this brand. According to the leaks, the phone will have an octa-core processor, 16 GB of internal storage, a 5.5-inch display (which is also full HD), 2 GB RAM and a rear camera that features 13 MP. The G4 Plus will have a 16 MP camera and a fingerprint sensor besides all the other features.