WhatsApp has refused to confirm or infirm the addition of the Video Calling feature in the near future, although the first clues about its arrival appeared in December 2015, when a German website has posted screenshots showing an ongoing call on an iOS device. We haven’t heard any new information until a few days ago, when @WABetaInfo has revealed some screenshots of the latest beta version of WhatsApp for iOS, which contains a new “Video Call” icon located at the top right of an open chat window.
Currently, the chat screen shows a voice call button and the profile image, but soon, the video call option will be present. Phone Radar has reported that this function will be activated in version of WhatsApp for iOS, but users who will want to install (beta) are required to have an iPhone that is jailbroken.
Soon, a native desktop application for Windows and Mac OS X will be released as well, and this information was also revealed by @WABetaInfo. The guys behind this Twitter account have posted two screenshots with a “Download for Windows” button and “Download for Mac OS X” button for native desktop apps for these two operating systems. Again, WhatsApp refuses to talk about the possibility to launch a native desktop application for Windows PC and Mac OS X, as well as support for sharing zip files.
The latest stable WhatsApp version for iOS is 2.16.2 and can be downloaded from iTunes. The installation file has a size of 59.1MB and brings end-to-end encryption for messages, photos, videos, documents, voice messages and calls. WhatsApp has introduced this type of security measure in order to protect users’ data, preventing hackers and the government to access their conversations, as they will be accessed only by the sender and recipient, using an encryption key.